Palsgaard once again nominated for CSR reporting award

The winner of the CSR Reporting award will be announced by H.R.H. Crown Princess Mary on behalf of FSR - Danish auditors on Thursday 26 October as part of the conference 'Responsible management - about responsibility and trust in a rapidly changing world'. The conference is organised by the Danish Chamber of Commerce, the Danish Business Authority and FSR Danish Auditors and will be held at the home of the Danish Chamber of Commerce at the old Copenhagen Stock Exchange.

The CSR Reporting award focuses on good practice in CSR reporting. A panel of experts on reporting, CSR and communication, as well as representatives of the investor side, designate the winners based on a set of criteria for good CSR reporting developed by FSR Danish Auditors.

Birgitte Mogensen, chairman of the FSR’s CSR committee says:

"We wish to pay tribute to Danish companies that distinguish themselves with trustworthy and transparent reporting of high quality that support the development of corporate social responsibility reporting and value creation, and which can inspire other companies. The UN Sustainable Development Goals are new and we therefore wish to recognize the companies that are already well ahead with reporting on the goals".

It is the 23rd time that FSR Danish Auditors hand out awards to Danish companies that distinguish themselves in CSR reporting and are deemed to be a source of inspiration for others.

At this year's conference, H.R.H. Crown Princess Mary will hand out a total of three awards: One for best CSR reporting to a Danish listed company with more than 500 employees, and one for companies with more or less than 250 employees, respectively.

The seven nominated companies for the award are:

  • A.P. Møller - Mærsk for their “Sustainability Report 2016”
  • Ørsted (DONG Energy) for their “Energy for a Sustainable Future - Sustainability Report 2016 & Annual Report 2016”
  • Novo Nordisk for their “Communication on Progress 2016 & Annual Report 2016”
  • Færch Plast for their “Sustainability Report 2016”
  • Palsgaard for their “Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2016”
  • Velux for their “Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2016”
  • Vandcenter Syd for their “Responsibility Report 2016”

“To be nominated for the FSR - Danish Auditors’ CSR reporting award again is a great honor. Throughout the organization we put a lot of effort into laying the ground work for reporting reliably. We simply want to be able to vouch 100% for the content of the report. Data, statements and the storytelling are well researched subjects and we do our utmost to report transparently about dilemmas, initiatives and opportunities. To be able to make the reading interesting to our interest groups is also an issue and the nomination is a recognition of our ability to unite all tasks in one CSR report. We are proud to take part in the nomination in this field together with other leading Danish companies and we are crossing our fingers until the 26th October when the winners will be announced”, says Lisa Drejer Mortensen, Senior CSR Specialist. 

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