Palsgaard achieves total carbon neutrality

Press release

The Danish company, known as the inventor of the modern food emulsifier, has a long history of social and environmental responsibility. In 2010, it set itself the goal of completely carbon-neutral production within ten years.

It has achieved this target two years ahead of schedule, reducing its net carbon emissions from 12,029 tonnes in 2010 to zero in 2018. Over that period, it has achieved CO2 reductions totalling 56,175 tonnes – equivalent to the amount produced by 4885 European (EU) households in a year.[i]

The company’s six global production sites are now all carbon-neutral, mainly through changing sources of energy. Strategies have included new heat recovery and insulation techniques, a switch from heavy fuel oil to biogas, and the use of renewables. At Palsgaard’s main site in Denmark, all electricity is sourced from wind, and indoor heating is powered by burning home-grown straw rather than oil.

Palsgaard's Remarkable Journey To Carbon Neutrality

As far as the company is aware, it is the only emulsifier manufacturer to achieve carbon neutrality but it hopes others will follow suit.

Jakob Thøisen, CEO of Palsgaard said: “This is a major milestone ― not just for Palsgaard but for the whole ingredients industry. The production of emulsifiers is very energy-intensive and when we decided to eliminate our carbon footprint, many thought it couldn’t be done. However, we’ve demonstrated that with ambition and innovation, sustainable ingredient production is possible. Achieving CO2-neutral status ahead of schedule has given us extra energy to continue making a difference. We hope other companies will be inspired to go on the same journey.”

Palsgaard, which is celebrating its centenary this year, is now planning a range of new green initiatives, including a new solar energy park at its headquarters in Denmark.

Anders Brix, Group CEO of the Schou Foundation, which owns Palsgaard, said: “Throughout Palsgaard’s hundred-year history, we have been dedicated to meeting challenges and climate change is undoubtedly the greatest challenge facing us now. At the moment, carbon neutrality is a rare achievement, but it will soon be the norm. Manufacturers will be forced to reduce their emissions, not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because environmentally conscious consumers demand it.”

As well as being manufactured in CO2-neutral factories, all Palsgaard’s emulsifiers are vegetable-based and sourced as sustainably as possible. Where the company uses palm oil ingredients, it relies exclusively on RSPO-certified raw materials, enabling it to offer its complete product range as MB- or SG-certified.

For more information, view Palsgaard’s 2018 Corporate Social Responsibility Report


[i] An average EU household, including its transportation emits 11.5 tonnes of CO2 per year

About Palsgaard

Since founder Einar Viggo Schou invented the modern plant-based food emulsifier in 1917 and established Palsgaard in 1919, the company has specialised in helping the global food industry make the most of the ability to mix oil and water.

Thanks to Palsgaard’s specialised emulsifiers and emulsifier/stabiliser systems bakery, confectionery, condiments, dairy, ice cream, margarine and meat producers can improve the quality and extend the shelf-life of their products. Just as importantly, they can produce better-for-you products with improved taste, mouthfeel and texture while using less resources.

Aside from supplying emulsifiers and stabilisers, Palsgaard supplies two equally important ingredients: Know-how and innovation. From its six application centres around the world Palsgaard’s experienced food technologists help manufacturers optimise existing recipes and develop delicious products with better nutritional profiles. 

Palsgaard helps manufacturers who want to protect and grow their brands to meet consumer and regulatory demands for greater responsibility. In fact, it is currently the world’s only commercial source of fully sustainable, emulsifiers based on RSPO SG certified palm oil and produced by CO2-neutral factories in Denmark, the Netherlands, Mexico, Brazil, China and Malaysia. The company’s products are non-GMO, and meet halal and kosher requirements, too.

Palsgaard is owned by the Schou Foundation and has 549 employees across 16 countries. It’s turnover in 2018 was 211 million USD (1.4 billion DKK) with products sold to more than 120 countries.


For more information please contact:

Mette Dal Steffensen, Senior Marketing Specialist, Palsgaard A/S
[email protected] | +45 2073 4534


Steve Harman, Account Director Ingredient Communications

[email protected] | + 44 (0)7538 118079