Values and Objectives

These values manifest themselves in responsible, trustworthy interactions with people from all walks of life - our employees, the communities in which we operate, and not least, the food industry customers whom we serve.

The objectives of the Schou Foundation are:

  • to own companies that the Board of Directors of the Foundation may find appropriate for the fulfilment of the other objects of the Foundation.
  • to preserve and further develop the Palsgaard Estate with all its splendours, as a beautiful and pleasant workplace for all employees.
  • to preserve the main building through maintenance and renewal in a manner consistent with the architecture and history of the building, not as a lifeless monument but in accordance with its purpose and structure as a vibrant family home for either the Director of the Foundation's activities or for another person linked to the Foundation, who is considered to be a suitable candidate by the Board of Directors of the Foundation in terms of publicly representing the Foundation.
  • to preserve – or expand – the park through maintenance and renewal, which must always be in accordance with the natural conditions and aesthetic values of the Estate. 
  • to establish, own and support independent companies within research and development in connection with the areas that the Foundation’s Board of Directors may find appropriate to promote the activities of the Foundation.
  • to support the Palsgaard Foundation to the extent that the Schou Foundation deems to be consistent with the other objects of the Schou Foundation.