Partnering for the future with Børnefonden

The foundation provides children and youths with opportunities to improve their future prospects through activities focused on five countries in West Africa – Benin, Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo and Cape Verde.

The work directly addresses many of the UN’s SDGs, improving health and education, stimulating local economies and focusing on entrepre­neurship and job creation.

Every little bit helps

The partnership also benefits from an ongoing programme at Palsgaard to reduce food waste. Employees are able to purchase surplus food from the daily lunch buffet, with all proceeds going to the foundation.

Activities in West Africa
  • Helped build a public primary school in Al­loum, Togo, supporting the notion that every child has the right to access schooling
  • Annual donation to Children & Youth Foundation for sustainable development projects in Cape Verde, Benin and the archipelago Fogo, focusing on development of infrastructure and education, and entrepreneurial support for higher employment and an improved standard of living
  • Local education on hygiene, and the construction of water storage and toilet facilities at a local nursery to improve water quality and reduce waterborne diseases
  • Purchase of a boat for school students to cross a river to school
  • Donations have also sponsored a trainee, and supported a technical school for young people with scholarships, tools and bicycles for student transport