100 years of responsible behaviour

For him, this meant looking after employees and their families, the local communities in which Palsgaard operates, and society in general. More than a century on, CSR is still a strategic part of our business.

Today, Palsgaard’s activities extend to over 100 countries, but we always bring with us a commitment to sustainability. We conduct ourselves in a financially responsible manner to maintain a profitable business through innovation, process optimisation and risk minimisation. This ensures that we remain a reliable supplier for our customers and an attractive, safe and caring workplace for our employees.

We remain committed to the UN Global Compact and its ten principles promoting ethical business conduct. Palsgaard’s CSR work is also framed by commitments to these organisations:

Find out much more about our CSR-activities in these pages. Should you like to know more about a specific activity, please contact Global QEHS Director Helle Skjold at [email protected].