We have achieved our CO2-neutral production goal ahead of schedule

What do we mean by CO2-neutrality?

CO2-neutrality describes an organisation's efforts to remove as much CO2 from the atmosphere as it puts into it. The aim is to achieve a zero-carbon footprint (100% neutrality) through a three-step process of calculating emissions, reducing them wherever possible, and offsetting any residual emissions.

We are proud to have achieved our 2020 goal of CO2-neutral production in the calendar year of 2018 - two years ahead of schedule. Our factories in the Netherlands, Brazil, Malaysia and China achieved CO2-neutral status in 2018. These followed our factories in Denmark (2015) and Mexico (2016) in reaching the significant milestones. 

We can confidently say that all of our polymer additives and our emulsifier and stabiliser solutions are now manufactured in CO2-neutral factories.

To find out just how we reached our goal, read on for more information and visit our 2018 CSR Report.

Palsgaard's Remarkable Journey To Carbon Neutrality